Welcome to the GRAND OPENING of Solitary Ecclectica! If you were a previous visitor to A Wiccan Sanctuary, then I'm sure you will be pleasantly pleased with what I've done here. If this is your first time, please enjoy your stay, and bookmark us so you don't miss out on anything.
So, what is Solitary Ecclectica anyway? The word "solitary" is defined as: "being, living, or going alone or without companions". "Ecclectica" is: something which is "composed of elements drawn from various sources". Put these two words together, and throw them into a Wiccan context, and you have: A pagan who does not practice with a group, but for any number or reasons, works alone, and does not follow any set path, yet "picks and chooses" what he/she likes most, and can use from a variety of different sources.
This site is here for all you Solitary Ecclectics out there who are looking for help, inspiration, or even a good laugh. There is something here for everyone, whether you are a13 year-old who is unable to tell your parents about your beliefs, and, for obvious reasons, cannot work within a coven structure, or you have been working in a group, and just left for whatever reason, or even if you have been practicing as a Solitary all you life, you never know what you'll find here...we are always learning.
Almost everything here is taken from vaious sources, with full credit given where it is due. This just adds to the true nature of the Ecclectic Witch. Where no credit is given, then the info is coming straight from me.
So, now that you know where you are, it's time to decide where you want to go. Are you a beginner? Or do you just want to know a little more about the different aspects of Wicca, and why so many people are practicing it instead of the "major" religions? (NOTE: In no way do I intend to criticize ANY religion, nor am I trying to convert you. What religion you practice, is up to you. I are merely here to offer some honest information so you can make your decision.) If so, then you might want to check out "Wicca 101", where a series of short, but informative classes will give you the basic information you need to decide if Wicca is right for you. There is also a list commonly asked questions...check it out...there's probably a few that have been floating around in your head for some time. Do you just need to find out what correspondences go with that particular moon phase, or that love spell you've been trying to write for the past year? If this is the case, take a look at my "Correspondence Tables" to find what you are looking for. Or, if you're just bored with that same old ritual that you've been performing on Lughnasadh for the last 13 years, then check out my online "Book of Shadows" for a complete list of Spells, Rituals, Devotions, and just about any other magickal working you could need.
Eventually, I will have a text-only version (no html tags or images)of all the information here that will be much nicer to your printer. Which brings me to another point. All information here is provided for YOU! Feel free to print what ever you want, copy whatever images you wish to use on your site, or whatever. The only thing I ask is that you save any images you may use in your own directory...after all, nobody likes a bandwith bandit.
Wicca 101 | Correspondence Charts | Book Of Shadows |
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