Wicca 101

Ok, if you've come to this area, then you're probably here for 1 of 3 reasons. 1) You are not happy with your current religion, and you are looking for some information of Wicca (or Witchcraft). 2) You have decided to become Wiccan, but don't really know what that means or, 3) You have been practicing for a while, and you are just seeing what sort of info I am giving to beginners.

Either way, I hope you find what I have here interesting and usefull. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to E-mail me with them. Please remember, though, that the information here is presented in a way that will be of use to the solitary practitioner of ecclectic Wicca.

Questions I get asked a lot and the answers I give.
Wicca School