To increase Psychic Awareness

***Taken from "Earth, Air, Fire & Water" by Scott Cunningham

Go to a flat, slow-moving stream. Bury a coin at the base of a nearby tree or bush and gently collect 3 leaves. Thank the plant for it's sacrifice as you collect the leaves.

Next, hold the leaves between your palms. Visualize yourself as a psychic person, who can call upon the psychic mind at will. Imagine what it would be like to be psychic. Push your personal power into the leaves with your visualization.

Set one leaf afloat on top of the water. Say these or similar words:

"Leaf afloat,
Leaf so green.
Help me see
What's unseen."

As the first leaf sails away, launch another, then the third, each time saying the same words.

As each leaf touches the water, it slowly dispels the energy that you've given to it. This energy mixes with the psychic-inducing power of the water to bring your need into manifestaion.

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